
Rugby Preview

Rugby Ralph Lauren Holiday 2008 Collection Video from GFCnewyork on Vimeo.
Yall know how it goes down. RUGBY CREW


Spanish Joe Freestyle (Classic Freestyle)

Gang Starr Feat Total

This is Part oF my 1999 Mix


The Burough (NY Anthem) Snippet



Hurricane Merc-Monsters Produced By L.Odom



Futurama MixTape

Another Live N DIrect Event


"Brothers From Brentwood L.I."


"Pump It Up"

" Happy Bird Day Yall "

DJ Prince X Jay-Z

For All My Reggae Heads Out There
"The Red Green & Gold Album "
Mixed By DJ Prince
Shouts 2 Stinky B For The Art Work
Click Pic 2 Download


Still High @ Cats Cradel

This Weekend was crazy
Art Show -Friday
DJ on -Saturday
Red & Meth-Sunday
Sneakfiend Got More Flicks



I thought this was gonna break my heart.
Great Album!!!


Yam's Halloween Footage

Footage of The Grungecake Magazine Halloween Party
Im in there somewhere.

Ill Produce Your Demo

Shouts 2 my man Lenny who found this link on the web.
Its a Project that my 'guy' Brian put together couple of months back.
FREE Beats from Producers like
Cyrus Tha Great, Vinny Idol
And Yours Truly "Mad I only got One"


Give The Drummer Sum!

Blu - Up All NIght

This is One of My Favorite Artist Out As of Now - Check His Resume

Mickey Fattz Freestyle

My Man Mickey Fattz Went IN!


Take Em' To Church Snippet Feat Sheen Philips Off Of Saturday Morning Cartoons Album


Halloween Weekend

This weekend was crazy but I had a great time being that I got to see mi casa
2 bad my camera die in the duration of being home and
I left the charger in good old NC
(I need a Checklist 4 when I do gigs)
So I had class on Friday and right after my 2 o'clock
my right hand man Peter drop my off at the airport for a 3:30 flight
getting me in LGA around 5:45 pm
Yams Halloween show started around 9pm so I
had time to stop by Jive records to chop it up with my big sis
They had a Sales Rep. for Ciroc upstairs so you could
only imagine how i felt on my way to BK.

DJ Prince
Nando McFly

Yams Party was real nice. Club Europa is def a nice spot in BK to throw
a showcase. I had to leave a lil early though cuz my ride
was trying 2 head to the city afterwards and that when mi camera
just could'nt take it any more
Ive never been 2 the city on Halloween
It was a bunch of free party's and some crazy costumes
Not 2 mention Rickys costumes lines were crazy that whole day.

The Next Day I got up with my one of my good friends
to tag along with me. I think I spent like 800 on two things
"Don't wanna talk about it"I got up with my crew from L.I. Talked about some Future projects
Im tryna do with them as well as other artist. I played them
the FSR album. I had the full album for a good month
and am still not tired of it. This means "Classic" Ladies & Gents
Make sure yall support my fam.

Monday was laid back untill the night hit.

It was a Pre Election Day Party @ Sway Dwntwn Manhattan
Prince was extremly tired, but still managed to survive

DJ Excel
E*Star & Lefemme Streetcosignor
Mickey Factz & E*Star
Brooklyn was in there HeavyAnd Then.... Cab , Plane, Home, Goodnight!


New Podcast

DJ Nominals Underground Radio Show
W/Special Guest Mr. Prince
Click Image


Just Landed Post (AGAIN)

Alright, So this is the FULL Album from Tha Weirdos


"Just Landed"

It includes some of the tracks from the Fake EP and
some bonus joints including Cake, Marching Band, and
The Violet Stars Remix Feat. Janelle Monae

Click Here 2 Download

Jovan & I have decided to work on seperate projects as of now,
So look out for my album "Saterday Morning Cartoons" Dropping
Early Next Year, and a couple of mixtapes dropping
with some dope collabs before the album debut.


SoundCheck Feat Sky-Zoo (Video)


This Monday

Be There or be Circle


Barack N' Raleigh

Merlin had the best seat in the house

Senator Barak Obama was in Raleigh NC Yesterday
I've never seen that many people in Raleigh before on my life
Don't People have jobs anymore.
I guess for someone this important to come to Raleigh
everyone must come out. It was to crowded to walk
but it was an experience.


Halloween Party


Making a Beat W/DJ Prince (From KP)

DJ Prince making a beat from Kevin Parkinson on Vimeo.
KP caught me way off gaurd around 10:30 am making a
beat that I don't even remember making


Who Got The Best Verse



This is Greatness that fits on your face! Since I've lost my
Supreme Frogskin joints like an idiot
I'd Figure these would be a good add the collection that I dont have.
These LV specks retail for $ 610 Buckaroos
Kinda Steep but hopefully I can find someone
with that good Saks Fifth hook up.

Pic's From The Loft

Props 2 Sneakfiend 4 Coming Threw

"So Get Back Jack, Cuz It's The Goo Attack"

One of my all time favorite shows from back in the day. Nickelodeon is trash now.


Movies Of The Year (DJ Prince's Opinion)


FSR Album Cover


Kerry Washington Interview

I was in the corner just enjoying the view. Ms Washington
is one of the coolest celebs Ive meet. Extremely down to earth.

This Saturday


ON Air Mix

You might hear a Prince Beat in there or something.
I don't know.
Shouts 2 Mr. Oasis